Friday, 9 March 2012


I completely disagree with AntiTourDave123.

For those who were loyal towards the 'Anti-tour' mindset, the Hamilton protest may indeed have seemed like a 'wonderful' gesture to humanity, however it certainly wasn't that way for us rugby fans who (paid) good money to see a rugby game, and were left with several hundred demonstrators running around on the field, waving banners in our faces and stirring up as much havock as they were capable of.

It's about time some people had a reality check and stopped being so self centred.


  1. I'm sorry but I'm not sure that you quite understand the concept of being 'self centered'. Your the one who's complaining about not being able to watch your precious 'once in a lifetime rugby game' that you paid good money for, but for some who have a heart it was about standing up against the atrocious racism in South Africa. It had to be done to prove that there is no superior race in the world and maybe if you got out of the bubble of yours and got a reality check maybe you could learn something from this.
